[608] no title

Oekaki Bro's Pro Skater 3 : 2023/10/10(Tue) 19:26 ID : 2bb0627b

1696980392155.png (347 KB) PaintTime : 2hr 6min 5sec
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no title by Oekaki Bro's Pro Skater 3

this is quite possibly the only game I ever truly ibsessed over or really cared about as a child. I once spent 48 hrs straight playing while my parents were away, they came home and I hadn't eaten for two days and my three little brothers were angry at me becuae I didn't let them play during this obsessive session.

[609] Oekaki Bro's Pro Skater 3 : KOOLSKULL : 2023/10/10(Tue) 19:40 ID : 2bb0627b

i think i posted this wrong but hey here us my entry koolskull.eth

[614] Re: no title : Jumon : 2023/10/15(Sun) 19:30 ID : f098310c [URL]

Love how this one turned out, hope to see you participate in these more often!