[745] no title

Abstract art : 2024/04/26(Fri) 21:27 ID : 25ed6182

1714181268200.png (5 KB) PaintTime : 36min 14sec
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no title by Abstract art

[743] no title

freemoneycaptial.eth : 2024/04/26(Fri) 21:25 ID : 3e2542c1

1714181112320.png (31 KB) PaintTime : 1hr 15min 42sec
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no title by freemoneycaptial.eth

tried to go for kemonokaki vibe, my ens name has a typo its supposed to be the word capital so to avoid confusion please use,, 0xe167B5bA6D85715f28c07D20aed2a818Fb9325A8 ,, in the event that i win thank u lol

[744] Re: no title : freemoneycaptial.eth : 2024/04/26(Fri) 21:27 ID : 3e2542c1

well its SUPPOSED to be the word capital, but i spelled it as captial in my ens regristration so its just so dumb all around confusing lol had to clear up my clarification good day - freemoneycaptial.eth

[742] no title

anonymous : 2024/04/26(Fri) 16:20 ID : e76c6d8b

1714162843859.png (66 KB) PaintTime : 31min 45sec
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no title by anonymous

Hope it's good enough for top 3!

[741] Hand over 5 dolar or else!

Jumon : 2024/04/22(Mon) 12:28 ID : 8e0bb405 [URL]

1713803315368.png (101 KB) PaintTime : 2hr 1min 16sec
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Hand over 5 dolar or else! by Jumon

After accidentally creating a feral Kittykaki while sketching two weeks ago I couldn't wait to see what she would look like as a Kemonokaki 😊🖤🔪

SUI address: 0x9df16916272963ab381ce489124cd5d771af497d53246a021b3c76cf87583af5

[740] no title

tokuto : 2024/04/22(Mon) 10:25 ID : 80394e62

1713795906611.png (85 KB) PaintTime : 21min 13sec
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no title by tokuto


[737] no title

lin : 2024/04/20(Sat) 01:44 ID : b7dad616

1713591867347.png (45 KB) PaintTime : 2hr 11min 9sec
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no title by lin

Strawberry cow…. consider …..


[738] Re: no title : anonymous : 2024/04/20(Sat) 12:34 ID : 83aaf3f2

I love!!!

[739] Re: no title : danissimo : 2024/04/20(Sat) 21:58 ID : c14658d6

me too ^_^

[733] no title

chii : 2024/04/18(Thu) 21:47 ID : e61e124f

1713491268822.png (25 KB) PaintTime : 1hr 2min 39sec
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no title by chii


[736] Re: no title : anonymous : 2024/04/19(Fri) 14:11 ID : 83aaf3f2

amazing! good job!

[734] no title

Peri clown : 2024/04/19(Fri) 13:43 ID : 7cdf0151

1713548610503.png (51 KB) PaintTime : 39min
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no title by Peri clown



[735] Re: no title : danissimo : 2024/04/19(Fri) 14:09 ID : c14658d6

No way, so sick! Kemonoclown

[711] no title

Koolskull.eth : 2024/03/01(Fri) 03:22 ID : 28a9c17a

1709281339203.png (169 KB) - Showing thumbnail - PaintTime : 1hr 21min 58sec
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no title by Koolskull.eth

I had to do one that I was really proud of. The other one was alright and I wish I did this in full color but I think this is still pretty sick in my old school black and white style. OBVIOUSLY beheading a bored ape because one day soon these nonons will ABSOLUTELY flip bored apes.

[712] Re: no title : zheeyon : 2024/03/01(Fri) 03:30 ID : 6094f576

holy shitt this is so cool!

[713] Re: no title : sirop : 2024/03/01(Fri) 08:26 ID : ca6ec239

holy moly

[715] Re: no title : tokuto : 2024/03/01(Fri) 11:43 ID : c74d5ffc

god i wish that were me

[732] Re: no title : gggeee : 2024/04/18(Thu) 14:38 ID : a9dd1524

so fucking good what hte hell

[731] no title

anonymous : 2024/04/18(Thu) 14:21 ID : c5b7b1f3

1713464482731.png (8 KB) PaintTime : 26min 44sec
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no title by anonymous

Reptilian/Crocodilian? idk where I was going with this...
