[626] #HalloweenSpecial Pillow Man costume.

KOOLSKULL : 2023/10/26(Thu) 14:34 ID : ca6a4582

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#HalloweenSpecial Pillow Man costume. by KOOLSKULL

Post a drawing of your favorite Halloween Costume you've done, or wanna do. This one is my Pillow-Man costume wh en I was 6 or 7 years old. I made it from cutting holes into my pillow at last minute to enter a costume contest at an outdoor screening of Ghostbusters in seattle when I was a kid. I won a six pack of root beer. I thought I had literally just win beer at the time, and I was surprised my parents allowed me to drink it and felt like a king. I think this is why I like soda more than alcohol now haha. I liked Ghostbusters cus it was goofy, but scare movies always frightened me too much at the time.