[666] Nonon606 ascension

Koolskull.eth : 2024/02/10(Sat) 06:18 ID : af89fc04

1707563905216.png (187 KB) PaintTime : 45min 56sec
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Nonon606 ascension by Koolskull.eth

Nonon606 is my favorite one I minted. Love the dragon hat. It's super cute and I love the hand drawn painterly style. Beautiful collection. Love nononononononons!!!!!

[668] Re: Nonon606 ascension : anonymous : 2024/02/10(Sat) 12:44 ID : 22b9912a


[669] Re: Nonon606 ascension : anonymous : 2024/02/11(Sun) 20:26 ID : 83aaf3f2

wow great work koolskull!!

[676] Re: Nonon606 ascension : empanalga : 2024/02/14(Wed) 01:30 ID : 40a8f680

very powerful. watching the replay blew my mind and makes me want to learn

[685] Re: Nonon606 ascension : koolskull.eth : 2024/02/19(Mon) 21:57 ID : b96a6020

Thank u for the nice comments friends! How can u view a replay!? That's so cool I didn't know it was a thing

[686] Re: Nonon606 ascension : anonymous : 2024/02/24(Sat) 13:46 ID : 83aaf3f2

You click the Replay button next to a post!