[743] no title

freemoneycaptial.eth : 2024/04/26(Fri) 21:25 ID : 3e2542c1

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no title by freemoneycaptial.eth

tried to go for kemonokaki vibe, my ens name has a typo its supposed to be the word capital so to avoid confusion please use,, 0xe167B5bA6D85715f28c07D20aed2a818Fb9325A8 ,, in the event that i win thank u lol

[744] Re: no title : freemoneycaptial.eth : 2024/04/26(Fri) 21:27 ID : 3e2542c1

well its SUPPOSED to be the word capital, but i spelled it as captial in my ens regristration so its just so dumb all around confusing lol had to clear up my clarification good day - freemoneycaptial.eth