[754] no title

v3lv3t : 2024/05/01(Wed) 18:07 ID : 59a705a3

1714601222593.png (50 KB) PaintTime : 22hr 4min 42sec
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no title by v3lv3t


Me as a kemonokaki <333

[755] Re: no title : anonymous : 2024/05/02(Thu) 00:27 ID : c056fcbe

Also i did not spend 22hrs drawing this I started it before bed n I fell asleep and started again the next day

[758] Re: no title : Jumon : 2024/05/03(Fri) 09:13 ID : 3abf9fa5 [URL]

LOL! That paintime counter is why I've chosen to wait until I have the time to draw from start to finish in one sitting. Even though it's obvious you didn't spend that whole time drawing it's still a little embarrassing thinking that anyone would believe you did 🤣

[859] Re: no title : anonymous : 2024/07/12(Fri) 13:09 ID : 4096b5c6

lol the embarrassment do be hitting but i almost never have time to do it all in one sitting 😭 always stuff to be done