[1201] shep (I ♥♡♥ halftone I ♥♡♥ observation)

Lucky KKN : 2025/02/13(Thu) 11:51 ID : 0d5be202

1739465500475.png (9 KB) PaintTime : 47min 51sec
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shep (I ♥♡♥ halftone I ♥♡♥ observation) by Lucky KKN

I Made a cute sheep in oekaki!

if u can't read the text at the bottom it says (src = https://i.pinimg.com/1200x/13/9a/54/139a5465c5dc843323a7106c6c0a5a71.jpg)
I just realized I didn't need that text I could've just put the link here... oops
btw mental health update, i had a bout of depression earlier this year, I think it's finally subsiding for really this time hahah