[595] no title

anonymous : 2023/09/28(Thu) 11:04 ID : c3460d00

1695913458944.png (294 KB) PaintTime : 3hr 15min 33sec
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no title by anonymous


[598] Re: no title : anonymous : 2023/10/02(Mon) 21:04 ID : a9f8f9e3


[617] Re: no title : Jumon : 2023/10/15(Sun) 19:39 ID : f098310c [URL]

Love this one, where is this character from?

[604] no title

Capturing a wild Birdy : 2023/10/09(Mon) 16:56 ID : 8f9dcd9c

1696885013178.png (158 KB) - Showing thumbnail - PaintTime : 51min 10sec
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no title by Capturing a wild Birdy


KWO <3

[616] Re: no title : Jumon : 2023/10/15(Sun) 19:38 ID : f098310c [URL]

GENGAR used CONFUSE RAY. It's very effective!

[607] arthur needs ghibs NOW

bimps : 2023/10/10(Tue) 16:31 ID : 63375d12 *

1696969895632.png (176 KB) PaintTime : 28min 39sec
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arthur needs ghibs NOW by bimps


[615] Re: arthur needs ghibs NOW : Jumon : 2023/10/15(Sun) 19:31 ID : f098310c [URL]

Same, Arthur. Same. 😩

[608] no title

Oekaki Bro's Pro Skater 3 : 2023/10/10(Tue) 19:26 ID : 2bb0627b

1696980392155.png (347 KB) PaintTime : 2hr 6min 5sec
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no title by Oekaki Bro's Pro Skater 3

this is quite possibly the only game I ever truly ibsessed over or really cared about as a child. I once spent 48 hrs straight playing while my parents were away, they came home and I hadn't eaten for two days and my three little brothers were angry at me becuae I didn't let them play during this obsessive session.

[609] Oekaki Bro's Pro Skater 3 : KOOLSKULL : 2023/10/10(Tue) 19:40 ID : 2bb0627b

i think i posted this wrong but hey here us my entry koolskull.eth

[614] Re: no title : Jumon : 2023/10/15(Sun) 19:30 ID : f098310c [URL]

Love how this one turned out, hope to see you participate in these more often!

[612] no title

Uzumaki Naruto : 2023/10/11(Wed) 00:38 ID : 1e3b93bb

1696999096917.png (39 KB) PaintTime : 1hr 48min 22sec
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no title by Uzumaki Naruto

0x wallet : 0xEC9dDBd035f2e24449fC2ec03350119BAE43527E
discord usrname : erosenseinin

[613] Re: no title : KOOLSKULL : 2023/10/11(Wed) 10:42 ID : 342c004f

Love this piece!! Damg, I remember the original number 1 shonen jump being released.. classic!

[611] no title

Bryan Fury : 2023/10/10(Tue) 21:48 ID : ae28963d

1696988934018.png (27 KB) - Showing thumbnail - PaintTime : 51min 9sec
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no title by Bryan Fury

Wallet: 0x38029d23603e91c2f1fd16bdf411ea1bdf9123a6
Discord: Secretluver

[606] Kawamii Bomberman

Jumon : 2023/10/10(Tue) 11:09 ID : 7c5d1deb [URL]

1696950583319.png (148 KB) PaintTime : 2hr 8min 26sec
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Kawamii Bomberman by Jumon

A New Foe Has Appeared! 💣💢

Address: jumon.eth
Discord: xrdavila

[610] Re: Kawamii Bomberman : KOOLSKULL : 2023/10/10(Tue) 20:56 ID : 2bb0627b

this one is super clean!! definitely one of my favs.

[605] no title

ily4 : 2023/10/09(Mon) 17:15 ID : a0783670

1696886126588.png (8 KB) PaintTime : 2min 17sec
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no title by ily4

[603] chopper

envy1.eth : 2023/10/07(Sat) 08:09 ID : f5a32615

1696680567336.png (35 KB) PaintTime : 39min 10sec
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chopper by envy1.eth

the one piece!!!!

[601] no title

Jirachi inna forest : 2023/10/05(Thu) 18:41 ID : d67d81fa

1696545704167.png (159 KB) PaintTime : 32min 47sec
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no title by Jirachi inna forest

[602] Re: no title : Jirachi inna forest : 2023/10/05(Thu) 18:49 ID : d67d81fa

I forgot to put my eth address