[540] no title

kiv kiv kiv : 2023/08/08(Tue) 11:34 ID : 68b6abd7 *

1691508897927.png (15 KB) PaintTime : 1hr 13min 3sec
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no title by kiv kiv kiv

[543] wallet : Kiv : 2023/08/09(Wed) 15:28 ID : de20c626


[582] Re: no title : Jumon : 2023/08/12(Sat) 02:14 ID : bd52490f [URL]

Love your line-less style. The process is interesting.

[568] molady chuddie vn wen

persocom.eth : 2023/08/11(Fri) 17:15 ID : 2fc56b1d

1691788556259.png (72 KB) PaintTime : 43min 54sec
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molady chuddie vn wen by persocom.eth

[569] Re: molady chuddie vn wen : sickworm : 2023/08/11(Fri) 19:10 ID : af4a97ba

omg so pretty!

[580] Re: molady chuddie vn wen : Jumon : 2023/08/12(Sat) 02:06 ID : bd52490f [URL]

Her expression is adorable, you knocked it out of the park πŸ”₯

[567] no title

Kirachew.eth : 2023/08/11(Fri) 11:04 ID : 04ad80d7

1691766249393.png (30 KB) PaintTime : 1hr 24min 52sec
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no title by Kirachew.eth

[570] Re: no title : h8 : 2023/08/11(Fri) 20:12 ID : a9f8f9e3

so cute!!!!!!!

[579] Re: no title : Jumon : 2023/08/12(Sat) 02:00 ID : bd52490f [URL]

Amazing work! I love your line weight variation and the dynamic colors ❀️‍πŸ”₯

[578] no title

hang in der : 2023/08/12(Sat) 01:57 ID : 3a496c0b

1691819855278.png (25 KB) PaintTime : 36min 12sec
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no title by hang in der


[564] no title

sickworm : 2023/08/11(Fri) 01:34 ID : af4a97ba

1691732090714.jpg (295 KB) - Showing thumbnail - PaintTime : 59min 32sec
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no title by sickworm

based on one of my fav alien moladys ! molady 3445 :) sickworm.eth

[566] Re: no title : anonymous : 2023/08/11(Fri) 09:03 ID : 3acaa030

Waaa, i think you're the first who drew any sort of alien here at bbs! So cute

[572] Re: no title : anonymous : 2023/08/11(Fri) 20:31 ID : 12827e2d

oh my GAH thats beautiful

[577] Re: no title : Jumon : 2023/08/12(Sat) 01:56 ID : bd52490f [URL]

I love how she started out with a gun but the chose to come in peace πŸ––πŸ‘½

[537] billions must love

bimps : 2023/08/07(Mon) 16:14 ID : 945a599e

1691439287295.png (97 KB) PaintTime : 30min 38sec
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billions must love by bimps

love wins

[538] Re: billions must love : bimps : 2023/08/07(Mon) 16:15 ID : 945a599e


[576] Re: billions must love : Jumon : 2023/08/12(Sat) 01:50 ID : bd52490f [URL]

Chud BF, Biblically Accurate Angel GF

[526] no title

chii : 2023/08/03(Thu) 16:23 ID : 56e2228b

1691094191438.png (135 KB) PaintTime : 1hr 5min 12sec
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no title by chii


[527] Re: no title : h8 : 2023/08/03(Thu) 17:08 ID : a9f8f9e3


[575] Re: no title : Jumon : 2023/08/12(Sat) 01:43 ID : bd52490f [URL]

KittyKaki runs away from home πŸ˜ͺ

[563] no title

h8 : 2023/08/11(Fri) 00:47 ID : a9f8f9e3

1691729240171.png (14 KB) PaintTime : 13min 57sec
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no title by h8

[571] Re: no title : Jumon : 2023/08/11(Fri) 20:19 ID : bd52490f

I love the devious little pyramids floating about. Reminds me of the margins in your comics.πŸ˜‚

[565] no title

sneed : 2023/08/11(Fri) 02:24 ID : 8f38d5fe

1691735097224.png (81 KB) PaintTime : 21min 3sec
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no title by sneed


[561] no title

chii again : 2023/08/11(Fri) 00:22 ID : cf3e0ba9

1691727775509.png (485 KB) PaintTime : 1hr 2min 44sec
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no title by chii again


[562] Re: no title : iliveinarichgirlsdream.eth : 2023/08/11(Fri) 00:26 ID : 3e2542c1

So good